Comparative analysis of mercury determination in raw materials and production of heavy industry enterprises.


  • M. S. Tselik Donetsk National Technical University, Pokrovsk, Ukraine


For quite some time in Ukraine and near abroad, one of the most serious and obvious pollution of the environment is the emissions of metallurgical enterprises. A significant number of metallurgical enterprises, whose emissions have a negative effect on the entire environment, are in the Donetsk region. The most dangerous components of emissions of metallurgical enterprises are highly toxic mercury compounds. Since, during enrichment of coal, Hg is almost completely converted to the gas phase, analysis of the Hg content in coals is the primary task for environmental protection. To reduce the harmful impact of emissions of metallurgical enterprises on the environment, careful monitoring of contained toxins in the raw materials and products of these enterprises is needed, which proves the relevance of this master's work.

Object of the master's study: raw materials and products of metallurgical and by-product coke industries, fuel, coke, ores, fluxes, etc.

The subject of the master's scientific research: mercury and its compounds in the composition of fuel, ores, fluxes, etc.




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