Dependence of conformal stability (R)-4-mentenone from temperature.


  • N. V. Belkina Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russia
  • I. V. Vakulin Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russia
  • G. R. Talipova Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russia
  • E. R. Latypova Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russia
  • A. I. Vakulina Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia


According to NMR spectroscopy in 13C spectra, the signals of conformers of (R)- 4-menthenone are manifested when the temperature is lowered. Therefore, using the quantumchemical approximation B3LYP / 6-311 ++ G (2d, p), the dependence of the population of conformers (R)-4-mentenone on temperature is considered.




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