The сomputer simulation of constant physical fields.


  • Y. Bardadym Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
  • E. Sporyagin Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine


The use of physical fields is quite cheap and safer method. Functional materials with distinct physical and chemical properties can be obtained. The use of mathematical (computer) simulation plays an important role along with experimental research methods. Modeling using digital computers is one of the most powerful means of research. It enables to calculate and simulate experiments at the design stage. Application of modeling allows you to understand how the real object is constructed, its structure, basic properties, laws of development and interaction with the surrounding world, learn to manage the object (or process), to determine the optimal ways of managing it for given goals and criteria, as well as to predict the direct and indirect effects of the implementation of the specified methods and forms of influence on the object. Therefore, this work is devoted to the study of the effect of external permanent magnetic or electric fields on the structure, thermophysical, dielectric properties of epoxy polymers and their composites containing metal oxide and polyaniline.




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