The influence of the physical fields on the physical properties of epoxy composite materials.


  • Yu. Bardadym Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
  • E. Sporyagin Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
  • O. Naumenko Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology


Physical modification is a simpler and more economical method of obtaining new materials than the synthesis of new polymers. Physical modification of polymers is divided into chemical, physico-chemical and physical methods. The molecular structure of polymers change in physico-chemical modification. And only when using the physical modification the chemical composition and molecular structure are stable. Physical modification of polymers arises under the influence of various force fields (mechanical, electrical, magnetic, etc.) or as a result of thermal effects. The important role in the influence of magnetic and electric fields is the processes of orientation of macromolecules.

This work is devoted to the study of the effect of external permanent magnetic and electric fields on the structure, thermophysical, dielectric properties of epoxy polymers and their composites containing Cr2O3.




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