Investigation of the individual, binary and ternary catalytic systems in oxidation of 4-methylpyridine.


  • G. S. Zhexen A. B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences
  • D. K. Tolemisova A. B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences
  • S. O. Bilalova A. B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences
  • A. M. Imangazy A. B. Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences


We report here the investigation of the individual V2O5, binary V2O5-SnO2, V2O5-TiO2, and ternary V2O5-TiO2-SnO2 catalysts in oxidation of 4-methylpyridine (4-MP) to isonicotinic acid (INA). The experimental results were interpreted by the quantum chemical computation (Gaussian 09 W). We studied the influence of oxide-modifiers on the nucleophilic properties of vanadyl oxygen and also on the deprotonation enthalpy of methyl group of chemisorbed substrate.






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