Physical modification of epoxy composite.


  • Y. Bardadym Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
  • E. Sporyagin Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University


The use of physical fields is quite cheap and safer method. Functional materials with distinct physical and chemical properties can be obtained. The resulting material can be used for the production of thermistors, switches ionic current elements of microelectronics and supercapacitors. But despite considerable interest of researchers the mechanism and magnetic and electric fields of polymeric materials is not well understood. Magnetic properties of substances are caused by spin and orbital magnetic moments of electrons and magnetic moments of atomic nuclei. In all the metals spin magnetic moment plays an important role in the creation of the magnetic moment of the atom. For the presence of the magnetic moment of the atom should be compensated by the magnetic moments of the spins. This is possible in atoms with unfilled shells.






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