One-step preparation of SiO<sub>2</sub>/PLGA hybrid material and study its structure.


  • V. V. Kyshkarova Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • M. Vaclavikova Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • I. V. Melnyk Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences


The synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid materials using sol-gel process has been widely investigated. They are prepared through the reaction of hydrolytical polycondensation between metal alkoxides andorganic-containing precursors. One of the approaches could be the development of the hybrid material is based on thein corporation of oligomers and polymers species into the inorganic matrix constituted primarily by Si-O-Si. Such materials can show not only combined properties of organic and inorganic components but also synergistic features due to hybridization at the nanometer level.




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