Implementation of science learning with local wisdom approach toward environmental literasy


  • L. Z. Adigozalova Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan


The environment is an important part of the survival of all living things it needs to be kept in balance. Maintaining environmental balance is the responsibility of all humans. The balance of the environment can be disturbed due to natural occurrences and/or human activities. Disturbances due to natural occurrences cannot be avoided, while disturbances originating from humans can be minimized or even eliminated. One of the ways that can help reduce disturbances in the environmental balance caused by humans is by cultivating an understanding of environmental literacy. Realizing what is meant here is not only having knowledge but also having to be responsive and able to provide solutions to environmental problems. Understanding related to environmental literacy should be planted as early as possible in students. Given that students are agents of success and change agents in the community. Research results from state that students' environmental literacy is still low. One of the contributing factors is that the intention to know and study environmental problems is still minimal. Students' environmental literacy is still low due to several factors, namely the lack of student interest in knowing and studying environmental problems and a lack of caring attitude towards the environment.






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