Effect of a compatibilizer on flammability of composites based on aluminum hydroxide and polyethylene mixture


  • F. A. Mustafayeva Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science
  • N. T. Kakhramanov Institute of Polymer Materials of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science


In addition to their high performance, polymeric materials also have some disadvantages – they are prone to ignition and the spread of flame, the production of smoke and toxic products during fires that result in death and property damage. For this reason, the development of a new generation of high-performance, non-flammable polymeric materials, effective reduction of the flammability of multi-tonnage industrial polymeric materials is an urgent problem. This is mainly achieved by adding flame retardants directly to the melt during the mixing process. Given the fact that smoke and toxic combustion products are one of the main hazards during a fire, the use of environmentally friendly, "green" flame retardants has increased in recent years, and aluminum hydroxide is one of these fillers.






Chemistry of Polymers and Composites