Research and application of modified phenolformaldehyde resin as a binder in the production of fuel briquettes


  • S. Т. Bayramova Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan
  • F. A. Amirov Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan
  • М. J. Ibragimova Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Yu. G. Mamedaliyev, Azerbaijan
  • T. A. Ibragimova Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Yu. G. Mamedaliyev, Azerbaijan
  • F. M. Abdullayeva Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Yu. G. Mamedaliyev, Azerbaijan
  • Z. N. Pashayeva Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Yu. G. Mamedaliyev, Azerbaijan


Due to the increase in the price of traditionally used energy sources and at the same time environmental problems caused by waste products that pollute the environment, the production and application of shaped (molded) wood-based fuel briquettes to traditionally used biofuels (wood shavings, peat, oil-based fuels, etc.) is of great interest as a prospective alternative. It should be noted that these briquettes have a number of advantages, such as the simplicity of the method of purchase, the synthesis using waste products, the fact that they are environmentally friendly, and unlike oil-based fuels, they do not produce harmful gases in the process of combustion, etc.


Ayse B., Muzaffer M., Abdullah C. Phenolic resin binder for the production of metallurgical quality briquetters from coke breeze, Vol. 89, issue 1. P. 28–37.






Analytical Chemistry