Voltammetric identification of insulin and its analogues using electrodes modified with polyarylenephthalides.


  • Y. R. Provorova Bashkir State University
  • E. I. Maksyutova Bashkir State University
  • R. A. Zil’berg Bashkir State University


Insulin is a peptide hormone of nature, formed in the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. Has a multifaceted effect on metabolism in human body. The main action of insulin is to reduce glucose concentration in the blood. Violation of insulin secretion or its action is a key element in the development of various forms of diabetes, hypoglycemic conditions, and obesity. Currently, human insulin and its analogues, get genetically engineered using recombinant DNA technology. The insulin analogs differ amino acid position, and other substituents in the polypeptide chain. And they have such differences as: biological properties duration, dissolution, etc.

Author Biographies

Y. R. Provorova, Bashkir State University

Department of Chemistry

E. I. Maksyutova, Bashkir State University

Department of Chemistry

R. A. Zil’berg, Bashkir State University

Department of Chemistry






Analytical Chemistry