Development of quantitative determination method for spironolactone in compounded syrups.


  • D. Alfred-Ugbenbo National University of Pharmacy
  • O. A. Zdoryk National University of Pharmacy


Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic used in congestive heart failure, oedema, hepatic cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, hypokalaemia and management of hypertension. The range of its indications makes it a regularly prescribed drug in most health service facilities both for paediatric and geriatric patients. Compounded syrups of spironolactone from pure substances and manufactured (capsules, tablets etc.) are common to many countries. Although some pharmacopoeias recommend liquid chromatography and ultraviolet spectroscopy for substance and tablet forms of spironolactone, there isn’t an assay method for the increasingly popular compounded forms such as syrups. Therefore, the aim of our work was to develop method for quantitative determination of spironolactone in compounded syrups.






Medical and Farmaceutical Chemistry