A voltammetric sensory system for recognition of tryptophan enantiomers based on glassy carbon electrodes modified by polyarylenephthalide composites of α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrins.


  • R. A. Zilberg Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia
  • V. N. Maistrenko Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia
  • Yu. A. Yarkaeva Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia
  • D. I. Dubrovsky Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia
  • Yu. R. Provorova Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia


For a human, tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid that enters the body with food proteins or nutritional supplements. The amino acids that make up proteins generally are in the L-configuration, whereas the D-amino acids do not participate in protein synthesis or even have an adverse effect on living organisms. These facts led researchers to develop methods for the recognition and determination of tryptophan enantiomers in medicines and food products.




Analytical Chemistry