Impedance characteristics of voltammetric enantioselective sensors based on polyelectrolyte complexes and cyclodextrins.


  • E. E. Shirokova Bashkir State University, Ufa
  • L. R. Kabirova Bashkir State University, Ufa
  • D. I. Dubrovsky Bashkir State University, Ufa


The voltammetric method of analysis is one of the most sensitive in electrochemistry. One of the most important factors affecting both the sensitivity and the correctness of the analysis is the monitoring of the surface of the working electrode. The main methods for evaluating surface morphology are various kinds of microscopy, such as atomic force and scanning electron microscopy, however this equipment is expensive and requires special sample preparation. An alternative method for estimating the surface in electrochemistry is the spectroscopy of electrochemical impedance.




Analytical Chemistry