A voltamperometric sensory system for recognition of tryptophan enantiomers in biologically active dietary supplements.


  • A. I. Khabletdinova Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia
  • K. A. Murzina Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia
  • Yu. A. Yarkaeva Bashkir State University, Ufa, 32, Validy st., 450076, Russia


Tryptophan is an indispensable amino acid which is a proteinogenic amino acid and is part of the proteins of all known living organisms. In nature, tryptophan synthesizes microorganisms, plants and mushrooms. Multicellular animals are not able to synthesize tryptophan, they need to get it with protein food. Tryptophan is found in many food products, for example - in black and red caviar, cheese, peanuts, chicken, rabbit meat and turkey. However, often a natural influx of tryptophan not even enough for people who do not exercise and do not experience regular physical activity. A deficiency of tryptophan in the diet can lead to serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression, irritability, uselessness, kostvum, impatience, impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, eating, memory problems and insomnia. Therefore, determination of tryptophan in food, pharmaceuticals, food additives and living organisms, especially humans is very important.




Medical and Farmaceutical Chemistry