Structural chemistry of copper(I) n-complexes with allyl esters of some heterocyclic substituted acetic ACIDS.


  • Yu. I. Slyvka Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Kyryla i Mefodiya 6, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine
  • E. A. Goreshnik Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • M. G. Myskiv Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Kyryla i Mefodiya 6, 79005 Lviv, Ukraine


Copper(I) π-complexes with alkenes have received considerable theoretical and practical interest because of their remarkable catalytic, luminescent activities and of other useful properties. Among them, a key role of heterocyclic allyl derivatives in crystal engineering of copper compounds with extremely rare occurred inorganic fragments were found in recent years. The synergy of a flexible allyl group and a conformationally rigid heterocyclic core plays an exceptionally crucial role in a stabilization of the unique fragments, resulting in compounds with enhanced nonlinear optical susceptibilities and a range of useful properties. In our work we firstly explored π-coordination activity of allyl esters of heterocyclic substituted acetic acids regarding copper(I) salts.




Inorganic Chemistry