Thermal synthesis of metal-carbon nanocomposites based on synthetic humic substances


  • V. A. Litvin Bohdan Khmelnitsky National University, Department of chemistry and nanomaterials Science
  • R. A. Njoh Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Toxicology, Near East University
  • I. O. Ozivska Bohdan Khmelnitsky National University, Department of chemistry and nanomaterials Science


Interest in nanostructured materials, which include nanoparticles of ferromagnetic metals in a carbon matrix, is caused by specific magnetic properties manifested in the nanoscale state: high magnetization, the ability to change the values of the coercive force due to the dependence of this value on the size of nanoparticles, lower Curie temperature, high anisotropy, etc. For example, composite materials containing 3d-metal nanoparticles (Fe, Co, Ni) are of interest from the point of view of their use as heterogeneous catalysts in various chemical processes, components of dispersed radio-absorbing media in high-frequency devices, magnetic resonance imaging, and biomedicine.






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